Hello and Thank you for dropping by!
I feel, To know about me is as important as you want to know about the food in my blog. So I would be glad if you read on:)
About ME
I'm Hamsini your anchor, running behind the scenes show of the blog - Easystepbystepcooking. A true Bangalorean being born and brought in Bangalore and a complete Indian at heart. Married to Vincent my love of 8 years (then) now 13 years. Worked as a HR professional for 3.5 years and quit the same to enjoy my pregnancy and to take care of my then new born. Now i'm a full-time mom to 1.8 years old son Bhavin.
I'm passionate about everything revolving food - the ingredients, color,flavour, texture, cooking, clicking, eating, sharing and many more ing's.
The origin of my BLOG
Here i would like to introduce you to my lovely little sister Harini, who is the creator of my blog. Right from creating, naming and taking care of the techical aspects she has been running the show since the start. As of now I'm just cooking, clicking and sharing the recipes in the blog but all other technical aspects are still taken care off by her.
Although I'm passionate about cooking since very long,I had never thought of venturing into this wide world of sharing called a BLOG. I always used to click pics of my dishes and share it among my sister, husband, brother in laws, parents and a close friend. These are the people who have always been the victims or rather i would call them fortunate ones to relish, comment, critisice and motivate my culinary skills.
One fine day to oil my passion of cooking, my dear sister created a blog for me and has given this chance to meet and greet you all. Thanks to her for the initiative and a special thanks for managing the blog technically, since having a baby I have a threshold for time.
About the food / recipes
Born and raised in a Bhramin community, married to a Tamilian Christian,being exposed to a wide variety of food across countires one can find a combintion of Kannadiga Bhramin, Andhra, Tamilnadu, Kerala vegetarian recipes (Indian) and other International recipes (mostly under baking).
You can find simple daily cooking , traditional cooking, modern bakes and grills, and festival cooking recipes in my blog. The recipes listed in my blog are a combinations of own inclination ones, inspired and adapted from various sources like TV shows, books, blogs or from my mother's / father's / a relative's/ MIL's / neighbour's cooking. I would definetly credit the source of my recipe wherever needed and shall command the same. So if you are using my recipe in your space please do let me know. I would be glad to do the same.
About the picture / photography
Although I possess a Nikon D5100 DSLR, as of now I'm not in that space of using the same in my kitchen with the little one around. So I'm making do with my IPhone 5 for clicking and blogging too. But definetly I would love to switch over to using DSLR camera in my kitten ASAP.
What we expect from you:
Read, refer, cook, relish and do like / credit / comment where necessary. It is YOU who keep us (me and my sister) motivated to run our show.
Since blogging takes loads of time and effort on us in the aspect of cooking, clicking, writing, editing and other maintenance work. We request you not to reproduce our work without permission. Thank you for understanding.
"No one is born a great cook, one learns by doing". Lets learn together.Happy cooking!
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